Monday, September 12, 2011

Taking the Reigns

Sometimes, bad things happen.

A recipe I tried out was less than delicious. One of my necklaces broke. A girlfriend backed out on our plans. It never feels good.

Sometimes, bad things are your fault.

I gave in to retail therapy as things have gotten stressful. It felt good for a moment to have something beautiful and new, but it did not feel great when it came time to pay the bills. To me, that is much worse.

The guilt all goes back to the serenity prayer...the line about having the courage to change the things I can. To control what is well within my power. To not become a victim of your own poor decision making.

Ironically, my retail slip has happened during a time of financial introspection. As I make big plans in my head about how much I'm going to save and just how I'm going to do it, I justify a sizable spending spree. What would Suze Orman say? Probably "DENIED!" lol.

So, I'm making a deal with myself. I make it here so that I'm accountable in some small way.

I will not buy any new clothes for the rest of the year.
I will limit how many times I go out for dinner, and try to keep the bill under $15.
I will stick as close as possible to my dinner schedule (planning out what I will cook) to make the most of the groceries.
I will stick to debit or cash.

I think that this list is a good start to replenishing my savings. The goal? I'd love to have an 8-month reserve that goes untouched. Time to start setting those financial goals!

What are your best tips for saving money?

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