Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Stressful September

For most people in my life, right now is a stressful time. The traditional wedding season is nearing it's end, but does not seem to be slowing down. I have three friends that just had a baby or are nearing the end of their pregnancy. Friends with older kids are about to send them off to school. Those still in college have begun classes.

Entering September always seems to begin the slippery slope into the holidays. Before I know it I'll be standing in the middle of Thanksgiving, not knowing how I got there.

In my case, I have some crazy deadlines at work.We typically have a month to put an issue of the magazine together... this month I have a week and a half. Panic set in immediately. I could feel my body go into stress mode and my mind flutter in circles around the seemingly endless list of things I need to accomplish. Being in such a flustered state of mind has inevitably made me and others I work with pretty sensitive. Almost every interaction has some kind of tension and urgency that can be attributed almost completely to this timing issue.

Surely the stress won't end with this one issue. It's all leading up to a trade show that we host annually. It's my first go around with all of this, so naturally I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. Times like this make me long for a Chance card -- like in Monopoly. A "Get out of Stress Free" card.

Wouldn't it be lovely?

But instead of wasting time on idle dreams, I have found a quick way to get through when I am a little too tightly wound (I admit, it happens...):

1. Get yourself out of there! Don't pout or grumble at your desk. Go to the lobby, go outside, heck -- go to the bathroom. Just get yourself away from the place that makes you stressed.

2. Breathe. The value of a few deep breaths are sorely underrated. You may not be able to go into a yoga-like state and clear your mind -- I know I never am -- but you can stop worrying about everything but breathing for a second. This always seems to flush out the bad emotions a little.

3. Have a sensory experience. That probably sounds odd and vague, but hear me out. I don't support binging on anything, but there is a reason people like to eat or shop or listen to music when they are upset. Certain foods can have a positive effect on mood, and both art and music can also have a direct impact on your disposition. Whatever your preference is, take a second to use your senses in a way that makes you happy. I love some Fiona Apple and a chai tea, personally!

4. Look at the whole puzzle. Now that you have removed yourself from the situation, calmed yourself down, and made yourself happy...think about the situation rationally. It's time to be the bigger person now!

5. Be real. If the thing you're stressed about involves another person, it's time to communicate. Giving feedback is hard, but people can never live up to your expecations if they don't know what you expect in the first place. Talk to your coworker/friend/significant other/dog and tell them what is going on. Be honest and real with them -- even when we are in the workplace we are all just people.

I hope this helps somebody as they find themselves atop a mountain of stress. We've all been there, we're all going to be there again. Luckily, there's a back down the mountain.

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